The Checkout: Back To School Edition

The Checkout: Back To School Edition explores general shopping behaviors as well as opportunities to win shoppers over this back-to-school season. The issue reports on topics such as how many shoppers actually plan on shopping this year, when they will head out, what resources they will be using to source information, and more. Especially interesting are the grades retailers received for attributes such as fun, time, price, and quality this year. Where retailers have built up high expectations for providing timely, quality, and low priced solutions, it seems they can do better to make back-to-school shopping fun. With a fun back-to-school shopping experience being important to 1 out of 4 shoppers, is there an opportunity to differentiate by making your retailer more fun to shop in?

To read more about shopper mindsets during this back-to-school shopping season, click here for the latest edition ofThe Checkout. Or here to explore pasts issues of The Checkout.